Let's face it, there’s not to many disadvantages to throwing on a couple of more pounds of muscle. Here’s 17 tips and secrets for adding some additional muscle mass. Courtesy of Young Muscle Magazine and our model Mike.
1. Add Dumbbells and Free Weights into your workout routine
2. Eat 5 to 6 meals a day
3. Include 30 grams of protein 5-6 times daily
4. Carbohydrates are a MUST for building muscle
5. Include Casein Protein in your night time snack
6. Weight-train 3-5 days per week
7. Compound Exercises increase Testosterone
8. Decrease rest between sets
9. 50% of your daily calories should be from carbohydrates
10 Drink lots of Water
11. Consume a Whey Protein Shake Directly after Training
12. Restrict Cardio
13 Stack your diet with Antioxidants
14. Surprise your muscles with different exercises
15. Train your Legs for overall body strength
16. Stretching after workouts makes you stronger
17. Your Muscles Don’t Grow in the Gym
To get all the details subscribe to Young Muscle or read it at OnDisplayTrainers.com.